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Our client entrusts ExperBuy with purchasing management for several references in their range. 16 Chinese suppliers are managed by the purchasing consultants of the agency ExperBuy in Shanghai. This service supports the client teams already present in China. Volumetry: about 1 million euros of purchase per year.

Main actions carried out:

  • Receipt of orders
  • Dispatch and follow-up of ExperBuy orders to suppliers
  • Logistics and customs organization for FOB deliveries
  • Management of export VAT and possible recovery
  • Negotiation and contracting with suppliers, Search for optimized solutions to improve purchasing performance

Supplier Quality Management:

  • Evaluation of the supplier quality organization (minimum annual review)
  • Continuous improvement approach with request for action plan by suppliers

Quality Management Products:

  • Request for dispatch of checks carried out by suppliers
  • Support for the treatment of any nonconformities

Performance monitoring: performed monthly with the project manager and share with customer.