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On April 05, 2018, ExperBuy wins the 2018 Bronze Purchasing Decision trophy in the category “Ecosystem Development” for its commitment to the development of our subsidiary BuyzeWay.

This category rewards a purchasing department – or a purchasing / service provider – that has a real strategy of social and territorial responsibility – local anchoring / SME relations

We presented to the Jury the objectives related to the deployment of the “BuyzeWay” project:

Our objective: “Set up a subsidiary with the quality of an adapted company in the field of supplies and purchases. When we started this project, no suitable company was listed as specialized in purchasing. We therefore came to the conclusion that there was a market to be developed but also that there should be jobseekers with a RQTH (recognition of quality of disabled workers) looking for jobs in purchasing. We embarked on an exceptional human adventure combining our business, purchasing, and our desire to develop our ecosystem by including people from diverse backgrounds”. Laura-May Tisserant – HRD

The rewards obtained by the ExperBuy and BuyzeWay teams

This event was an opportunity to spend a convivial evening with exchanges, smiles and a willingness to share good practices with more than 450 purchasing professionals present.

We congratulate the other companies participating in these awards, they have all defended beautiful projects with strong human values ​​and a commitment every day to improve the daily life around them.