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As part of the development of our activities in Romania, ExperBuy participated, on 24 October 2017, in an event organized by the Romanian/French Chamber of Commerce (CCIFER) as part of the Demo Metal exhibition in Brasov.

During this event, Cyril Legrix, Managing Director in Romania, had the opportunity to present our outsourcing and consulting services in the field of purchasing to various actors of the metal industry in Romania and in the neighboring countries.

On 09 November 2017, ExperBuy will once again participate in a B2B event dedicated to purchasing, but this time in the automotive field. Indeed, this new event, which will take place in the context of the Bucharest Motor Show, is organized by the Association of Automobile Manufacturers of Romania (ACAROM).

These privileged moments allow us to present, to the different actors of the industry or the service, the benefits of the outsourcing of the purchases, and more precisely the purchases of class C (non-recurrent and non-strategic) but also our fields of actions and our purchasing skills available throughout Europe.

Do not hesitate to meet us and to contact Cyril Legrix for any study of services related to your needs in terms of purchases in Romania or in neighboring countries.